Digital Year End Inventory

As 2019 comes to a close many are evaluating business. What was good, what was not so good? It's commonplace to use the new year as a milestone to gauge progress. Revenue growth, customer acquisition, and margins are typical places to start. But when was the last time your business included a digital footprint inventory in that year-end evaluation? 

As businesses grow into the digital space evaluating this is becoming increasingly important. Whether your brand is digitally native or just now moving into the digital world, knowing your customers where they get to know you is priceless. Today there are more and more ways to do this. 

Take some time this week to go through these few steps to take note of where your business stands digitally:

  1. WEBSITE Dive into your business's web analytics. If you don't know what you're looking for at least look at daily users, bounce rate and traffic sources. These 3 KPI's will give you a starting point and something to look for.

  2. SOCIAL MEDIA Dive into your social media. Facebook makes this easy with their audience insights. You can learn about your fans there. From ages to interests. It's a great way to find out valuable information about the people that express interest in you on social media.

  3. EMAIL How often are you utilizing your email lists? Spend some time to go back through your email blasts from the past year and evaluate what worked and what didn't. If you're not utilizing your email list, it's time to start in 2020.

These 3 steps are a surface level evaluation of where you stood for 2019. This will give you a starting point to develop goals for 2020 and move your business forward.  

If you desire a deeper analysis please email us!

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